Friday, January 28, 2011

Making sense

While feeling lonely and waiting for my take out at Northstar on a friday night, I sit here wondering what kind of person am I. Everyone seems to like me, but yet I don't have many real friends. Well, at least none in the US.

It's kind of tough sometimes. People say: it must be hard having your whole family and friends living in another Country. It is, but most of the time I don't think about it. Except when I am disappointed with the high expectations I have for people that I barely know. I guess I expect them to love me, understand me and not be able to live without me right away. Crazy? Hmm.. Yeah. Maybe I just need to be more true to myself and enjoy my singleness.

On a second note, here are some things to enjoy: 1. Go home and eat my take out, with a glass of wine and my netflix on my huge new tv. 2. Lindt chocolate can cure any sadness. 3. Saturdays off rock. 4. Peanut Butter cookie from northstar, which I purchased in an act of rebellion and anger and I will not feel guilty enjoying it. 5. This is me anyways, as a stranger in a foreign Country with no fear to be different.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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